Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kew Gardens

Today we spent most of the day at Kew Gardens. Kew Gardens is a beautiful garden that has plants from all over the world in one place. I saw lots of beautiful plants even though it was a bit cold and windy there. We also did some art sketching while in the garden for our art class. After Kew Gardens we went to oxford street and shopped at the European store called Primark where I got an adorable soft sweatshirt with the British flag, a pretty pelum dress, and a cute shirt all for pretty cheap. After this we picked up dinner and some snacks for watching a Singing in the Rain. We watched Singing in the Rain in the classroom with lots of other people at the center just because we wanted to enjoy again the beauty we experienced last night. We had classes all at the beginning of this week so I am looking forward to having the days off the rest of this week and hopefully enjoying seeing lots of things here in London. Well I'm off to bed, TTFN!

 Another picture from last night that I don't think I posted, Singing in the Rain...literally

 Anna and I at the entrance to Kew Garden's

 Pagoda in the Japanese Gardens at Kew

 Beautiful angel trumpet flower

 More flowers from Kew

 Beautiful leaf plants that look like a flower

 Swan family at Kew

 Flowers at Kew

 Flower in hair

 I match the flowers

 I'm in a jungle!

 The creepiest looking plant

Loving my new London sweatshirt!

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