Sunday, June 16, 2013


Here are some pictures of my recent adventures since I last posted pictures:

Holding really old books at the Wordsworth trust

 Picturesque view at the lake  district
 Cool structure inside fountains abbey

 Cool and impossible to recreate ceiling in cathedral in York

 Happy birthday cake for doctor who!

 Boggle hole, English coast

 Chatsworth, or Pemberly from the Keira Knightley Pride and Predjudice movie

 Great hall at oxford that the dining hall in Harry Potter was based off of

 In front of the Louvre

 Me with the REAL Mona Lisa

 Beautiful Sunset in Paris


 Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

 My favorite piece of art at the Pompadou (modern art museum)

 Gelato in the shape of a flower! delicious and beautiful

 The view of the eiffel tower from the top of L'arc de Triumph

 I'm pinching the Eiffel tower

 Beautiful Sunset in Paris from the top of the arc

 Notre Dame

 Me in front of Notre Dame

Beautiful cathedral full of stained glass windows all depicting different Bible stories 

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