Sunday, June 2, 2013

Church and Tintern Abbey

Today started off with packing up and leaving bath to head off to church. We visited a small ward in the area who were very friendly and happy to have us. The old British ladies in Relief society were really adorable. It was probably my favorite church in England so far if we were picking favorites. After church we got back on the bus and headed over to Wales to visit Tintern Abbey. The ruins of the Abbey were amazingly beautiful. I think it even added an extra kind of beauty to the place because it was in ruins. After we went on a little walk to an outlook point where one of the professors gave this little talk about the Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood by William Wordsworth. It was an inspirational poem and the scenery we were in was beautiful. After this we got back on the bus and went to our hotel which is near Stratford upon avon which we will be visiting tomorrow which is the home of Shakespeare. TTFN!

 Ruins of Tintern Abbey

 Aubrey enjoying the splendor of Tintern Abbey

 More Tintern Abbey

 Our infamous professors at Tintern Abbey

 Beautiful view from our little hike

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