Monday, May 20, 2013

Constable land and Cambridge

This morning started off with packing lunches and quickly getting breakfast before piling on our bus to go into the English countryside to where John Constable based a lot of his paintings off of. It was beautiful when we got there despite being a little bit chilly and the walk was lovely too. There were lots of cows so you had to be wary of cow droppings but I quite enjoyed myself especially when there was a big open field and I just got to run across it. From all of the beautiful views I could definitely see why John Constable was inspired by it. After this nice little hike we got back on the bus and headed over to Cambridge. Cambridge was a really beautiful university and I can't even imagine what it would be like to study there. I shopped a little bit there and got a nice scarf to warm me up for just 3 pounds. The most enjoyable part of our trip there and I think one of the highlights of my trip was going to Evensong at the chapel in king's college. Not only was the chapel gorgeous but the music and the way they spoke was so pure and beautiful. I absolutely loved it and could have stayed there forever. After Cambridge we got back on the bus and came back to the London center where I got some dinner and other food from Tesco. Now I have a bit more homework to do for tomorrow and then I will head to bed. TTFN!

 We walked past and up close to tons of cows

 Beautiful views

 Me by the cows

 Beautiful views

 View that is in a real John Constable painting

 Frolicking in the flowers


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