Friday, May 17, 2013

Tate Britain and Dr. Who Shop

Today I woke up and headed over to the Tate Britain with my friend. The Tate Britain is an art museum of British art through the years. I saw lots of cool pieces of art and I included some pieces of art I particularly enjoyed in pictures below. After the Tate Britain my friend and I went and got some lunch at Boots and then we went back to the London centre, picked up another girl and went off to find the who store. The who store was quite a ways away from where we are but it was worth it to travel there I think. The shop was run by a sweet little family and they had lots of awesome stuff there. I really enjoyed geeking out about my doctor who appreciation. After this we headed back to the center and then went out to dinner with some people and after out for some gelatto. It was an enjoyable day and now I am heading to bed. TTFN!

 explosion at Pompeii

 This painting reminded me of Larissa and Lesley

 Painting that was actually used by Uchtdorf in a conference talk

 A painting related to the first mystery novel

 This was a cool modern painting about lots of people migrating to America

 A Modern art painting about ballet dancing that demonstrates the movement of a ballet dancers

 This painting was called surgical ward and I found it amusing

 I found this candy blood to be very looks just like the real blood containers...weird

 We found the doctor who shop!

 Its a life size dalek!

 A Tardis that was actually used on the set of doctor who

 dark chocolate and vanilla gelato


  1. I agree. The painting reminds me of L & L too. And the candy blood is way bizarre! I wouldn't try it.

  2. Pompeii -- Doctor Who!!!
    Painting with me and Lesley defiantly! Way cute!

    Then..... DOCTOR WHO!!!!!!!! You lucky!!
    Have fun. :)
