Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last day in London! For now...

Today was our last day in London for the study abroad trip. I will be back with my parents at the end of my trip so I am not too disappointed but it is still kind of sad. I have really enjoyed my time here and living at the London center. Today we had art class first where we worked on collages. I am not sure about the collages I worked on today but maybe when I finish them I will post pictures on here. Then I ran to grab Kababs for lunch with my friend. Kababs are kinda weird open pita sandwiches sort of. Its hard to describe I guess but it was pretty good. After lunch we had Humanities class where we talked about some of wordsworths poems and writings that we were assigned to read. After this I went with my friends to primark to get a carry on size duffel bag because thats the size the professors wanted us to have for our travel around England for the next two weeks and I only had a large suitcase. We get to leave some of our stuff here and so I am leaving my large suitcase full of stuff here. Tomorrow we will be heading off to Stonehenge first and we will end the day in Bath. After primark, I went home and took a nap since I didn't get much sleep last night and when I woke up it was time to get ready for dinner. After dinner we went off to fro yo for the last time at our favorite place nearby and it was delicious. After fro yo I packed up all of my stuff for tomorrow and now I am heading to bed. TTFN!
 Last view of Big Ben with friends

 The street towards the London center

 My three bodyguards, get it?

Frae fro yo! so delicious!

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