Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Today was mostly spent in class and doing homework. We had art class first today where we learned about perspective. It was interesting for me to grasp the idea of that what I think I see is not actually what I see. I see lines as converging into a vanishing point but in my brain I know they are straight so I think of them as straight. In our humanities class we talked about pathetic fallacy which is assuming that nature changes based on your emotions and evolution. Our teacher talked about how both of these views argue for looking at our world in a new way. After this we went to a really cool exhibit at the national history museum of a photographer who went around the world photographing nature that is most untouched by man. He called it Genesis because he wanted it to remind the viewer that nature is where we come from. After this exhibit I came back and worked on homework until dinner. After dinner I did more homework along with getting some laundry done. I feel quite tired from homework now but I am learning a lot and growing in my classes especially since they deal with very different things than my nursing classes do. Well sorry I don't have any pictures for today but we are headed to Hampton court tomorrow so I will try to get some good ones then. TTFN!

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