Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Class and Collages

 So today most of the day was spent doing class work. We had humanities and the environment class first this morning where we had a lot of philosophical discussions and then we had arts class where we worked on collages. It was kind crazy to learn to make collages. You had to be ok with leaving things messy and also ok with tearing up what you had made. I had a little bit of lunch in between classes and then after class I went with my friends to get some really good frozen yogurt from this place just down the street. After fro yo I worked on homework until it was time for me to do kitchen duty. Tonight we had delicious chicken curry with couscous. After dinner clean up I went to Primark with my friend and bought some sweaters because I am worried about being even colder than I feel now when I head up to northern England. After this I did home, finished a movie with my friends and now I am going to bed. TTFN!

 My friend Elizabeth and I in our matching rain jackets, together we are two pound note

My first attempt at making a collage

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